
How do I know that I am getting the best advice and service from my Bookkeeper? Accountant?

Generally, most bookkeepers are processing transactions as quickly as possible, in the way outlined. They may not be forward-thinking and consider the business’ bottomline. We have to remember that each transaction is going to affect the financial health and presentation of a business. This is the skill set of the accountant.

If you have just a bookkeeper, or are using a bookkeeping service, it is certainly in your interest to review you financials with a CPA. A CPA is going to have the knowledge and experience to inform the business on best strategies and help meet financial goals.

What should someone look for in a CPA?

We would certainly recommend they have prior exposure to the type of business or projects they are being hired for. Direct experiences provide great opportunities to test capacities and you should want to know the CPA can generally handle complexities or challenges that may arise.

Also, it is important for the business to define clearly what they need from the CPA. This may be hard to do if it is a new business with minimal experience. In that case, writing out what long-term goals, and even concerns, the business owner has can be helpful when first consulting.

Finally, and equally important, would be the values of transparency, accountability, and operational excellence. Your CPA should have all of these qualities. Each business relationship carries with it the human component of personality. We should want our business relationships to carry the same integrities that we do in our personal ones.

Take a look at this Quickbooks article for more information.


Misconceptions of Accounting.


Interview pt. 2